furano bonchi powder

WHAT’S 「Fluffiness Quotient」ふわサラ度ってなに?

WHAT’S 「Fluffiness Quotient」ふわサラ度ってなに?

富良野市では、2022年から始まった「bonchi powder project」で、雪の専門家である北見工業大学の白川先生と北海道大学の的場先生の協力を仰ぎ、降雪と積雪に関する研究を行っています。

以前から、富良野の地元の人々はもちろん、冬のスノーアクティビティを楽しむ観光客も、雪玉を作ることができないふわふわとした雪質が特徴だと言っていました。このような状況に対応して、観光関係者、民間企業、行政が「bonchi powderプロジェクト」を立ち上げ、富良野の冬の価値をさらに向上させるための共創の取り組みを始めました。













雪水比は、降雪量を降水量で割った値で、雪の密度を表現する方法の一つです。値が高いほど、同じ降水量あたりに多くの雪が降るため、雪はより乾燥して軽いことを示します。気象庁では、湿雪は雪水比1.0 cm/mm以下、乾雪は同2.0 cm/mm以上としています。









In Furano City, since 2022, the "Bonchi Powder Project" has been underway in collaboration with snow experts, Dr. Shirakawa from Kitami Institute of Technology and Dr. Matoba from Hokkaido University, focusing on research regarding snowfall and snow accumulation.

Previously, both local residents in Furano and tourists who come to enjoy winter activities have described the snow quality as fluffy, making it difficult to create snowballs. In response to this situation, tourism stakeholders, private enterprises, and local authorities launched the "Bonchi Powder Project" to engage in collaborative efforts aimed at further enhancing the winter appeal of Furano.

Within this project, the quantification of powder snow became a significant challenge, and with the assistance of experts, the measurement of the "Fluffiness" of powder snow was proposed.

The project began in the winter of 2022 and continued for a year, involving research and investigations into snow conditions. As a result, it was determined that Furano's region features an environment where light, dry snowfall occurs, and compaction is challenging even after snow accumulation, distinguishing it from other major ski resorts within Hokkaido.

While ongoing investigations related to snowfall and snow accumulation will persist, as a trial initiative, the project decided to predict a "Fluffiness Index" for powder snow. To calculate this index, the concept of the snow-water ratio was employed.

The snow-water ratio is a value obtained by dividing the snowfall amount by the precipitation amount, serving as a method to express snow density. Higher values indicate that more snow falls per unit of precipitation, signifying drier and lighter snow. The Japan Meteorological Agency uses a snow-water ratio of 1.0 cm/mm or less to denote wet snow and 2.0 cm/mm or more to denote dry snow as a reference for wetness classification.

Taking these factors into consideration, the project utilized web-based meteorological data to define a recommended snow quality state where "Fluffiness Index 50 or higher" is associated with Bonchi Powder, and this system was experimentally introduced starting from the 2023 season.

*The website now displays the Fluffiness Index for the upcoming five days.

The future goal is to enhance accuracy by continuing visual assessments on-site and conducting investigations into snowfall and snow accumulation at mountain summits.